IT Per4mance provides various services including: Outcome-based outsourcing, benchmarking and ITIL advice. We are a niche IT consulting firm helping large and medium sized organisations who have the same problems as those facing global corporations, but do not have the same disposable consultancy budget.
We bring affordable global solutions to local problems by utilising a variety of proven tools and experienced consultants that have worked for firms such as: ISG, AD Little, Gartner and Strategy&.
With experience from setting up and evaluating over 60 IT outsourcing contracts, we have some of the most trusted and experienced outcome-based outsourcing consultants in the business.
We cover the whole outsourcing lifecycle from initial Sourcing Strategy and RFP creation to Contract Exit. We also negotiate SaaS contracts.
We can provide assistance should your outsourcing relationship run into trouble. We have provided mediation services for clients of all sizes across various industries.
​We assist clients like you with all manner of IT consulting assignments including:
Target Operating Model development,
IT Strategy,
Technology Yearbook,
Cloud Readiness,
IT Benchmarking,
Organisation Design,
Culture Change,
IT Process design
Vendor Management Office Optimisation
Business Case creation
Service Level design
Applications Strategy
IT Healthchecks
Commisioning process - Idea to Implementation.
IT Per4mance provides consultants to operate in line management positions, to augment your internal resources.
With access to IT benchmark data, our consultants can offer savings insights which typically pay for their engagement.
Advice by the Slice is an on demand service that enables CIOs and IT managers to ask highly pertinent questions during critical project stages and get a rapid and meaningful response. The advice charged by the hour (Slice).
Our Presentation Videos service enables organisations to relive that 'final presentation' experience by blending presenter and slide decks into high quality video deliverables.
We can create Presentation Videos of different durations for different audiences. These include 5 minute project updates videos and 15 minute Board Summaries.
IT Per4mance provides on-site training courses as well pre-configured Presentation Video courses.
IT Per4mance are the 'go to' firm for innovation, fixed price services, top quality outcomes and great value IT consulting
We are a constructive and creative IT consultancy that can address some of the issues that keep you awake at night, including recording build / run success in a Technology Yearbook
We combine over 30 years of experience in IT management consultancy with a large database of IT contracts, KPIs and unit costs to deliver fact based findings and recommendations
We deliver practical results, enabling you and your projects to succeed
Our services are available to organisations in all countries and in all currencies. We provide Distance Deliverables via data collection worksheets supported by conference videos and calls.
We have a rich portfolio of successfully completed consulting studies
Our consultants have saved many companies from the various pitfalls involved in outsourcing and repaired broken relationships and deals
All of our services align to the latest Frameworks (ITIL, CoBIT, IT4IT etc), including Target Operating Model design
No job is too small for us and we work to accommodate all budgets and project deadlines, including provision of emergency assistance
The following are just a few samples of the type of work we have undertaken in recent times.
Please click on an image for more information:

Clients in both the private and public sectors have commissioned our consultants to work with them to address their specific IT issues. Our work with leading thinkers in all industries keeps our mind-set fresh and creative, enabling IT Per4mance consultants to provide innovative solutions to all of our clients through our result based deliverables.
The following are just a few of the many organisations that our consultants have assisted. Quite a few of the organisations that we assist are not household names, but their issues are just as important to us as any of the large firms that we also work with.

Our team comprises highly experienced consultants from various industries. Here are a few of our team members, from left to right: Martin Boyle, Gilbert Lee, Diana House and Patrick Anjou..

If you are interested in any of our services we would love to hear from you.
IT Per4mance Ltd
Call Martin Boyle on +44 7887 932657 or by email at